sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 2, 2024

volleyball, it’s a strategy, and 50
posted by soe 11:25 pm

Sigh. Somehow Thursday got away from me. And most of Friday…

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. Volleyball had a good run this week. Saturday, seven of us plus two spouses went out for Mexican food after volleyball all afternoon. It was the largest group we’ve mustered for a happy hour this year and it felt good to see a combination of new and old faces. The Saturday volleyball league is an interesting one with both highly skilled players and those who pursue the sport far more recreationally returning year after year, and we are protective of the “third space” we have built.

My team won back-to-back playoff games on Wednesday and followed it up with a lengthy dinner out. My friend Chris and I didn’t make it back to our neighborhoods until 11:30, which probably was more of a challenge for him, as he starts work at 7 a.m., than it was for my night owl self. I have promised the team homemade cookies for next week’s final day of the season, in addition to the freeze pops I bring on the really hot days.

And on Thursday, our coaching team won back-to-back games by forfeit, making it my easiest playoff run in years. (I have not promised them cookies for next week’s semis and finals, so please don’t tell them I play favorites.)

2. Because I’ve been negligent about weeding this year, the violet leaves have provided enough shade to keep my kale and salad greens flourishing long past when they normally would. I’m calling this a strategy, rather than laziness.

3. Eric is the last of us to turn 50 this year, and we managed to catch up for a chat earlier this week — our first in a year. It’s been a challenging 12 months in similar ways for both of us, and it felt good to talk through some of our coping strategies, as well as what we’re hoping for in the decade to come.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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