sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

July 26, 2024

produce, coach, and a fearsome foursome
posted by soe 1:48 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. I pick our first ripe tomatoes of the year.

2. I walk home from tonight’s game with my fellow volleyball coach and we get to chat about things other than our charges.

3. After a couple rain-outs and a dire forecast, it finally seems like our Wednesday game is about to happen. But between vacations, illness, a last-minute rainstorm, protests, and work, our numbers start dwindling. But four of us (the youngest of whom turns 40 next month) remain undaunted. And we pull off a victory over a solid team of six 20-somethings that will go down in team lore. (In part because I will keep recounting it. There have to be perks to being captain.)

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 1 Comment.

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Your foursome is most fearsome!

Three bee-you-tee-ful things:

1. Sunsets at Mitchell Park, especially when filtered through the trees.
2. Fawns that are curious about the person on the bicycle (but not silly enough to jump in front of the person on the bicycle).
3. Being back in DC with sprite. 🙂

Comment by Rudi 07.30.24 @ 2:56 pm

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