Today was a jam-packed day that included a half-day in the office, several hours working an expo floor, and a couple hours at an author event/literary bar party. And then I came home to watch the Nats game, or, rather, to completely zonk out during it because my poor introvert brain had used up all of its energy chatting with thousands of strangers. I was definitely awake during the 7th-inning stretch, because we stood up and sang (what, you don’t?), but I do not remember anything after that. I assumed Rudi would have woken me up if we’d won, but I still had to check the score to be sure. I’ve just been dead to the world for the past several hours.
I’m going to write this blog post, wash the supper dishes, and go back to sleep, but this time in bed, rather than curled up under a blanket on the couch.
Here’s what I’m hoping the rest of the weekend includes, after I recharge a little more:
- Watch the Nationals win the World Series. There are two more games in D.C., which are the exact number we need to wrap this thing up. Obviously that cannot be a coincidence. If it looks like we will clinch on Sunday, Rudi and I will probably head down to the Yards to watch on the jumbotrons they’ve set up in the park. (If it doesn’t, our tv does not require our getting rained on, and we’ll save that experience for another evening.)
- Cheer on a coworker who is running her first marathon.
- Do a coffeeneuring bike ride. I don’t know where yet.
- Procure Baby Shark donuts.
- Switch out my cold-weather clothing.
- Finish my shawl. I mean, come on already.
- Send some mail.
- Find Halloween lights (and candy to give out). Also give some thought to a costume.
- Possibly go apple picking. I need to reconnect with Sarah. If not, pick up a pumpkin at the farmers market on Sunday.
- Do laundry so I have clean sports bras. New volleyball league (with mostly friends from my outdoor team) starts Monday!
- Read, because it’s the fall Dewey’s Readathon and there are at least three books I’m reading that I could finish.
What’s on your to-do list for this final weekend of October? (Also, how is it nearly November? Wasn’t it just 90 degrees?)
It still IS 90° here! I went out walking around my neighborhood playing Pokémon Go and was melting by the time I got home.
Today we played a game called 10 Candles, which is a horror storytelling game played in the dark using tea lights. You wouldn’t like it, but we told a suspenseful and creepy story, so it was a lot of fun.
Tomorrow I will be running Masks, the teenage superhero game. They’re dealing with the aftermath of drugs that unlock people’s hidden powers being mass distributed in Thanksgiving turkeys, (given away for free and sold at a huge discount to ensure they made it to as many homes as possible).
Comment by Grey Kitten 10.27.19 @ 4:07 am