sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 19, 2019

mid-october weekend planning
posted by soe 1:32 am

Woolly Bear

It’s been a non-stop sprint for me since last week, so this weekend I’m looking forward to a lot of chill. We started by meeting up with friends for drinks at our local watering hole and then relaxing by watching a couple tv shows we enjoy.

I’m hoping the weekend includes:

  • Knitting three rows. Okay, technically two and a bind-off row.
  • A trip to the library.
  • Harvesting the last (probably) of the tomatoes in the garden.
  • Time outside tomorrow in the sun.
  • Shopping at the farmers market. (Brussels sprouts season has arrived.)
  • Baking.
  • Refilling the tea tins.
  • Doing laundry.
  • Enjoying a pot of tea and a good book while it rains on Sunday.
  • Sleeping in.

How about you? What are you planning for this weekend?

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.

A trip to the library and a walk, cleaning, laundry, moving furniture around to get ready for next week’s new furniture delivery, and if all the planets align, a trip to the Renaissance Fair.

Comment by Karen 10.19.19 @ 9:51 am

First off what is that caterpillar and one has spun a web around it in my shed. I fear it is not a helpful garden bug. Do you know?
I went to the barn fundraiser 5k and enjoyed myself but I have a virus and am staying home the next 36 hours to rest. I sound awful

Comment by kathy b 10.19.19 @ 7:02 pm