sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 16, 2018

virtual advent tour 2018: day 16
posted by soe 6:19 am

virtual advent tour 2018, hosted by spritewrites.net

Greetings, fellow Adventers! (I’d prefer Adventists, but that’s already been taken…)

We’re down to the single digits on our tour and are narrowing in on the final fortnight of the year. I hope you have enjoyed both so far and find the remainder to be pleasant for you and yours.

Today our tour once again returns to Kat at As Kat Knits, who has a letter to her granddaughter offering some intergenerational entertainment suggestions.

Thanks, once again for stopping by my blog and following along on the Virtual Advent Tour. See you tomorrow for another post!

Category: christmas/holiday season. There is/are 1 Comment.

I love your tour. THank you for the daily fun

Comment by kathy b 12.16.18 @ 1:05 pm