sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 11, 2018

virtual advent tour 2018: day 11
posted by soe 6:46 am

Virtual Advent Tour 2018, hosted by spritewrites.net.

Two weeks until Christmas, folks! I hope everyone’s holiday prep is going well. I got a good chunk of my shopping taken care of over the weekend, but I need to get moving on sending out cards, particularly those heading to relatives overseas. I bought a pound of butter yesterday, so there’s some baking in my near future, too.

Behind today’s Virtual Advent door is a post from Kat at As Kat Knits. She’s written a post sharing some of the music memories of her childhood.

See you back here tomorrow.

Category: christmas/holiday season. There is/are 1 Comment.

Thank you again for including me! 🙂

Comment by Kat 12.11.18 @ 8:58 am