posted by soe 6:33 am
Welcome back to Day 2 of the Virtual Advent Tour! I hope you’re enjoying the weekend so far.
Today’s host is Bridget of The Ravell’d Sleave, whose family is commemorating a major milestone event today. Head over to her blog to read all about it.
Be sure to stop back tomorrow for our next stop on the Virtual Advent Tour!
If you’re enjoying the Virtual Advent Tour so far, consider joining our merry band of writers. You can find the current schedule on yesterday’s post. Just leave a comment letting me know what date you’d like to claim!
More holiday links:
- Drops is doing their annual Christmas pattern giveaway through Dec. 25.
- The Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge is underway now through Jan. 6. In addition to reading holiday-themed books, there’s also a category for watching themed movies and for reading books with children.
- Riveted is letting you read recently published YA novels for free on their site during the lead-up to Christmas with their annual 25 Days of Christmas celebration. I can’t endorse any of them personally, but there are several authors I’ve enjoyed on the list.
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