sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 13, 2018

pride weekend garden report
posted by soe 1:38 am

JUNE Garden

I spent several hours at the garden over the weekend, yanking out weeds, planting seeds, and harvesting vegetables. All the rain we’ve had has made my plot quite verdant, as you can see. (That’s from after all the weeding, if you can believe it.)

I pulled a plastic shopping bag’s worth of sorrel (which tonight Rudi turned into soup) and another of lettuce (three types, all of which become salads tomorrow). I also picked a handful of shelling peas and a couple strawberries.

My potato patch is full of greens, always a good sign, and I’ll need to mound the dirt back up when we get back.

Garden Tomatoes

One of my tomatoes has developed fruit that are now of actual cherry size. I’m just not sure if it’s a cherry tomato plant or one that still bas some growing ahead. I’ve got cages around several of them already, as well as the tomatillo, and expect to have to put up the rest for my peppers and the other tomatoes soon. The second batch of purple basil has taken (the first died in the floods we had last month) and the green will hopefully do better again now that I’ve thinned the sorrel and violets shading them.


My lavender is doing well, although it looks like tiny spiders are also enjoying the flowers. But man, do they make my plot smell nice! I try to step over that part of the garden, instead of walking around, just to encourage the scent!

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