sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 18, 2017

virtual advent: day 18
posted by soe 5:30 am

virtual advent tour

We’re entering our final week of the Virtual Advent Tour, as this is the last Monday before Christmas. I hope your holiday plans are all going smoothly, that you’re getting to listen to seasonal songs while wrapping gifts and sipping eggnog or cider or resting with your feet up while you revel in a week mostly free of stress and obligation. I am a procrastinator and an uncompromising over-scheduler which means I have no idea what I’m going to write about in the next paragraph because I spent the day shopping, working on Christmas gifts, writing cards, and running around. The great news is that I have to be narrowing in on finishing some of those tasks because I’m running out of days in which to do them. But, as I pointed out in a card to a friend, I didn’t even start Christmas cards last year until Dec. 30, so I’m way ahead of that game. Plus, thanks to the laundry I got done yesterday, I even have clean underwear in which to tackle this week! That will make all the difference!

Ahem. Right. You came here to read something Christmassy, didn’t you?

How about some Christmas lights and window displays? Here’s a Coldplay song I’ve never heard before for a soundtrack (although clearly in both the following scenes they would be piping a tinny version of “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”):

This house is about half a mile away from where I live:

Mr. Holidays' House

Want a closer look?

Arbo & Santa's Dog Park

Arbo & Santa's Dog Park

Arbo & Santa's Workshop

Arbo & Santa's Dog Park

This is Arbo, who lives with “Mr. Holidays” (probably not his real name). He seems like a nice dog.


And on the other side of town, where I was shopping Friday afternoon, here are the windows of the Coldwell Banker Real Estate office:

Coldwell Banker Window #1

Coldwell Banker Real Estate Window #2

Here’s my favorite detail:

Hot Cocoa Depot

Also, the house in the front right corner of the window is for sale. This would be an awesome place to live.

Coldwell Banker Window #3

Coldwell Banker Window #4

Stop back tomorrow for our final Tuesday post!

Category: christmas/holiday season. There is/are 2 Comments.

That’s a very decorated house. Lol. There are a couple of streets in a neighbourhood, not far from mine, where the residents seem to compete every year. At least the kids enjoy the drive down those streets.

Comment by Nina D 12.18.17 @ 3:40 pm

Im getting ready for tomorrows post!

Comment by kathy b 12.18.17 @ 4:51 pm