sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 17, 2007

names, no more, and bang
posted by soe 4:27 pm

I’m ready for the weekend so it’s great to have it be Thursday already. To celebrate, let’s look back at three beautiful things from the last week:

1. Last night, we saw the cow-colored dogs I’ve mentioned before coming up the street. Rudi suggested we loiter outdoors until they passed, so we got to meet them and their owner. They are two waist-high Great Danes named Leo and Babe.

2. Sunday, after the ball game, we headed to the garden. Rudi did the back-breaking digging to put in the plants we’d bought, and I pulled up all the grass seeds that had come up from the horse manure we spread on the garden earlier in the season. By sunset we had empty pots and a weed-free plot.

3. Saturday night, we had a thunderstorm in which it poured sheets of rain. They’d been predicting rain for days, so it was a relief when it finally showed up and put on such a lovely show for us.

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 3 Comments.


I still can’t plant my veggies for at least another week – though the weather of the last couple of days may mean I need to push it back even more. Ahh, New England! ;P

Comment by Jenn 05.18.07 @ 5:24 am

I did rain sheets Saturday night. We need rain but not like that.

Comment by Mia 05.18.07 @ 3:14 pm

Oh I love the cow dog markings!
I think thunderstorms and watching the pouring rain is so fun.
(But I really prefer doing that inside where it is dry.)

By The way I tagged you for a ‘meme’ please see my blog. 🙂

Comment by paula 05.19.07 @ 3:47 am