Three beautiful things from my past week:
1. The effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act failed in the Senate, with Democrats voting as a bloc, with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski holding firm in their stand against the bill and their party, and with John McCain casting a last-minute surprise no vote. While I know this isn’t really over and that they’ll be back with more, I can’t tell you what a relief it is to have it play out this way tonight. I really thought we were going to have a repeat of Election night.
2. A couple weeks ago, Rudi’s laptop died. One friend loaned him a computer, and then a second gave him a like-new laptop that was going to be recycled from his work.
3. A woman on Ravelry was offering local yarn for resale for a very good price, and since she lived nearby, we agreed to meet so I didn’t have to pay for the skein to be shipped. When I arrived at her house she said that she was tired of destashing and would I like to glance through everything else she wanted to get rid of and take them for $1/skein? For less than $20 I came home with six skeins of yarn — mostly silk or alpaca blends — worth probably in the range of $100! (It should be noted that there was plenty of yarn I did not take, too!)
How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?
I, likewise, was thrilled at those 3 brave votes. I have my fingers crossed that bipartisanship and compromise are the new “words” for August!
Comment by AsKatKnits 07.28.17 @ 7:36 amI went to sleep last night thinking the healthcare vote would go the other way, so it was a nice surprise to wake up to.
And I know I keep saying “Great picture!” but once again you’ve posted one, so “Great picture!”
Comment by Karen 07.28.17 @ 9:21 am