sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 12, 2017

mid-june weekending
posted by soe 1:05 am

I’m off to jury duty in the morning, so thought I’d get this posted now. (I don’t actually mind jury duty in theory, but the realities of serving on a jury can be frustrating.)

Rudi was away for the weekend, which meant I could do any fun thing that came to mind:

On Friday, it was heading to the Yards for our first summer picnic. The band was fine, the food was tasty, and the company excellent. The moon rose over the river a brilliant orange. I finished the evening with a scoop of ice cream from the local parlor, since it was mostly between the metro station and home.


On Saturday, I slept away the entire morning and then lazed away the rest of the day. I watched the Nationals game on tv and read a book, which I eventually took up to the park, from which I could hear the Pride parade without having to be in the crowds. I made myself a yogurt parfait for lunch. I did some laundry and vacuuming. I went up to the bookstore for the member sale and took care of some gift shopping. I redeemed my Tuesday voucher for a free ice cream come from Baskin Robbins.

Ice Cream

Today, my plan was to rise early and head out to pick blueberries before the heat kicked in, but I overslept my alarm slightly and decided to switch up my plan: I went to the farmers market and then came back and ate breakfast and read the arts section of the newspaper, which was mostly about books. I stopped at the library to return a bunch of things on my way to the farm, where I picked a bucket of blueberries (over five pounds!) under the sweltering sun. (I remembered sunscreen and a hat and water and appropriate clothes, but forgot tissues; I need to remember that blueberry bushes make my nose run!) Luckily, there was a breeze, which I was so grateful for!

A Lot of Blueberries

I got in a few minutes at the community pool (a very nice way to recover from all that sun!) and watered my garden. The pea vines are withering, so I suspect this will be their last week, since they don’t like the triple-H weather we’re due to get. I’m also thinking I should dig up my strawberry and violet patch and rework that space. The violet roots have really edged everything else out, and it isn’t being used to its maximum potential. I have three tomatoes on my 42 Days plant, flowers on a couple others, and tiny buds on some of the peppers. My herbs (particularly the dill) need trimming and the weeds are growing faster than anything else. Some time in my plot is clearly in order in the next week or so.

Rudi made it home in time for an hour at the park before we headed home to watch the Tony Awards, the only award show I actually like. It seems like The Great Comet would be a good show to see; I just have to find dates where cheap seats are still available.

How was your weekend?

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.

Those berries! Wow… gorgeous!

Comment by AsKatKnits 06.12.17 @ 10:48 am

@Kat: Thanks!

Comment by soe 06.23.17 @ 3:31 am