posted by soe 12:28 pm
With civic responsibility becoming part of my new weekend norm, I need to be a little more organized (and a little more early rising) than is my wont.
Here are some things I hope to get done before weekend’s end:
- Get outside while the sun is shining.
- Buy makings for pizza for supper tonight.
- Finish a knitting project. Start a new one (or two).
- Mail a card.
- Order new checks.
- Read.
- Unearth my rocking chair from beneath the pile of clean laundry.
- Complete my first ukulele lesson.
- Wash handknits.
- Make pie dough.
- Paint my nails.
- Pick up roll of quarters for laundry.
- Go to the farmers market.
- Catch up on book reviews.
- Stand up for democracy.
How about you? What’s on your to-do list this weekend?
Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.
What a jam packed weekend! I tried without success to get through to my Senator but he got a daily fax from me.
Comment by AsKatKnits 02.06.17 @ 10:46 amUkelele! How fun.
I knitted A lot! Had relatives for the snow sculptures in town . It was great to spend time with them