sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 16, 2016

merry tuba christmas, lunch, and package
posted by soe 2:14 am

Three beautiful things from this past week:

2016 Merry Tuba Christmas

1. Susan invites me to join their family for the annual tuba concert at the Kennedy Center. This year, it’s held in the concert hall, rather than the atrium, which means we are literally surrounded by tubas, sousaphones, and euphoniums on all sides. Also, it’s very exciting when they ask kids in the audience to help out with “Jingle Bells” and their daughter heads up on stage.

2. My coworker and I brave the cold to go out for a bowl of soup and to catch up on how our holiday prep is going.

3. My Secret Santa (arranged by The Broke & The Bookish) package arrived and is full of anticipatory pleasure: it contains a dozen wrapped items for me to open over the coming days. (I’ll share them all with you later on…) Thanks, Gina, for so much fun!

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world recently?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 1 Comment.

when my son was in HS he played tuba Christmas in NYC at the ice skating rink, I think he almost past out from the frigid cold too! Good times 🙂 Getting a book from a secret santa is simply the BEST.

Comment by karen 12.16.16 @ 8:26 am