sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 3, 2016

well-met, stopping power, and peer pressure
posted by soe 12:17 am

There beautiful things from this first week of June:

1. My local library hosts a lunchtime bookish Twitter chat every week, and, over time, you get to recognize the regulars. Anne and I shared a similar taste in novels and we got to chatting; then it turned out that Sarah knows both of us and thought we’d get along outside of books. So the three of us got together Wednesday for supper and had a lovely evening talking about books, politics, travel, and food. It’s nice to meet kindred spirits.

2. The brakes on my car have been tetchy for a while, but several long drives in the next few weeks planned, I figured it was time to take care of them. It was so exciting to discover how responsive they were this morning, even if it meant Rudi and I jostled in our seats a bit.

3. We convince some friends who were going to be in the area of campus, but not actually attend any reunion activities, to join us for the Saturday picnic.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 2 Comments.

Yay for kindred spirits! They do make life so much better! And, that sounds like the best kind of peer pressure!

My roses are an explosion of color and definitely beautifying my corner of the world!

Have an amazing weekend!

Comment by AsKatKnits 06.03.16 @ 8:28 am

@AsKatKnits: The roses have really loved this weird spring weather, haven’t they?

Comment by soe 06.10.16 @ 3:14 am