sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 31, 2016

ten on tuesday: weekending
posted by soe 1:50 am

Weekending with Karen at Pumpkin Sunrise and Ten on Tuesday’ing with Carole at Carole Knits:

Late-May Garden

  1. The weekend began with our traditional Friday night picnic by the waterfront. We were more together than usual, which meant that Michael and Julia had brought an entree and Rudi and I had brought dessert, in addition to the other drinks and tapas we usually make a meal out of.
  2. I got up early on Saturday to bike down to the sand courts near the Lincoln Memorial to play volleyball with some of the folks from the team I’ve been playing with. I did not get up early enough to eat breakfast beforehand, which was not a mistake I should make again.
  3. Sarah and I then headed out to the countryside to pick strawberries. It was 90 degrees and humid and brightly sunny. We picked for an hour, and we were drained by the end of it. I came home with about four quarts of berries.
  4. I stopped at the local garden center/co-op place and picked up some more basil, since mine vanished, thanks, I assume, to the slugs.
  5. I went to the park to hang out and read, but instead fell fast asleep in the shade after I finished my mango lassi. A nap was precisely what the rest of the day demanded.
  6. On Sunday, we got up and watched the final stage of the Giro d’Italia (similar to the Tour de France in bike racing importance and difficulty, but set in Italy and less famous) and a couple bits of CBS Sunday Morning.
  7. We then headed out to the farmers market.
  8. Later in the day, we went to the local pool, which opened this weekend for the season.
  9. Today, we slept in. It was glorious.
  10. I went to the garden and planted the latest round of vegetation. I also harvested a handful of strawberries and strung some string trellises for my peas.
  11. We ended the weekend by watching Love and Mercy, the Brian Wilson biopic from last year. It wasn’t really my thing, but I could appreciate that it was well done.

That’s one more than called for by Carole, but long weekends were made to break the rules.

How about you? How was your (long) weekend?

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 4 Comments.

The pool opened Friday! I picked three strawberries and the blueberries that the deer didn’t get. I like our little garden: “Hey, Ellie! Please go pull up three carrots for dinner!” Ellie and I saw dolphins on Saturday and beat Twilight Princess (Zelda) yesterday. That last one was exhausting.

Comment by Emily 05.31.16 @ 5:26 am

My weekend was awesome, and it even included time to appreciate the extra bit of weekend that Monday brought! Fresh picked strawberries are just the best! And, naps – oh yes!

Comment by AsKatKnits 05.31.16 @ 6:18 pm

what a wonderful weekend!! I love accidentally falling asleep outside while reading, the best rest 🙂 We started putting in our garden. Still more to plant (we means he….)

Comment by karen 06.01.16 @ 7:53 am

@karen: Ha! Is a garden ever really done?

@AsKatKnits: That extra day really made a difference, didn’t it?

@Emily: Those were some pretty awesome weekend events!

Comment by soe 06.10.16 @ 3:15 am