sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 20, 2016

good news, generosity, and old friend (& memento)
posted by soe 2:43 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. The vendor from whom I buy my Street Sense, the local homeless newspaper, shares that one of the farmers at our market is going to employ him for the summer and that if it works out, it might turn into something more permanent. Earlier this year, he got an apartment, so I’m thinking 2016 is his year.

2. Rudi and I go out to dinner for his birthday, courtesy of a gift certificate from my brother and his partner. We eat extravagantly, but only have to pay for tax and tip.

3. Rebs calls at midnight (because, as old friends, she knows we are up) to wish Rudi a happy birthday, and then when he’s done, she and I get to chat.

Bonus: I’ve mentioned before, I think, that Corey sometimes likes to bring his toys to bed to keep himself occupied while we sleep. Usually they’re straws or twist ties, but this morning I awoke to find Rudi’s Teva, last seen just before bed on the other side of the apartment, lying next to me.

How about you? What was beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 3 Comments.

Sunshine!! 2 days in a row!! I am enjoying it while it is here 🙂 Have a fantastic weekend!

Comment by AsKatKnits 05.20.16 @ 7:42 am

we have a gift card from my husband’s students and I cannot wait to eat for free 🙂 Those presents are always appreciated! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead 🙂

Comment by karen 05.23.16 @ 6:47 am

@karen: Gift cards to restaurants do make awesome gifts!

@AsKatKnits: What a grey spring! It’s nice the sun has finally graced us with its presence.

Comment by soe 06.10.16 @ 3:17 am