sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 18, 2006

a year in posts
posted by soe 6:43 pm

There’s a meme floating around to see what the first sentence bloggers posted each month. I’m feeling like being a lazy blogger today, so I thought I’d see what mine said about my year. Then I discovered they were, with a couple of exceptions, boring. Apparently I can’t be that lazy, so I also offer you a haiku for each sentence. At least it offers variety….

January: “We rounded out the year 2005 with a quartet of movies over two days.”

Four movies were watched
during the last waning days
of the dying year.

February: “Parents in Williamson County, Tennessee, have been asked to sign an anonymous petition demanding that the classic To Kill a Mockingbird be removed.”

A classic challenged —
more parents unwilling to
let their children grow.

March: “February was a quiet book-buying month, coming on the heels as it did of the heavy book acquisitions of January (and frankly, the month was filled with Winter and Knitting Olympics — who has time to hit the bookstores properly?).”

Knitting booties and
watching sports on tv cuts
down on book buying.

April: “Happy April Fool’s Day!”

On the first day of
April would you expect a
different first line?

May: “The medals plaza has been disassembled.”

even the lazy knitter
must finish her work.

June: “Karen took me bra shopping on Friday (this is how good a friend she is; she didn’t force me to stand under fluorescent lights in my underwear by myself).”

This sentence stands out
as being the only one
complete on its own.

July: “Several more books were finished during the second fortnight of June (the first half of the month’s reading is here), including one I acquired at the Orange County Airport.”

Vacations are a
great way to blow through a pile
of books to be read.

August: “Rudi and I are heading north on Amtrak in the morning to join friends Karen and Michael, Erica, and Erik (and maybe old college pal Mike) for An Evening with Harry, Carrie, and Garp.”

Who would miss out on
spending a sultry evening
with cool authors? Who?!

September: “The rain and wind have finally kicked in.”

Blustery weather
is a real treat. Too bad it
all came in month nine.

October: “I don’t normally root against the Mets, but I’d like to see them lose today.”

Please don’t ever ask
me to type those words again.
They pained me to say.

November: “Today marks Day 1 of NaNoWriMo.”

Thirty-five pages
is nothing to sniff at, but
just wait ’til next year.

December: “How long are candy canes good for?”

The general thought
was that candy canes may
outlast us all. Huh!

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.

A year in haiku, perhaps you will start a new meme.

We’re with David’s family here in Mexico, at Casa Playa Azul in Tankah Shores. Today, I read Buried Fire by Jonathan Stroud. It was a fun read, though I think I enjoyed the Bartemaeus trilogy a little bit more.

I also did a little kayaking. Kayaks are included with the rental, and so I got a little exercise rowing around for a bit. No one else was interested in going around with me, so I made sure to stay withing sight of the cottage.

Our dinner was chicken fajitas prepared by Edith, the woman who works as a housekeeper for this villa – she is quite a wonderful cook. I’m told everything she has made has been delightful, and tonight was no exception.

At the resort are a trio of dogs, who like chicken but do not care for peppers (understandable, I say). Guests are not supposed to offer them table scraps.

The humidity here is remarkable. If you leave a drink on a glass table, a ring will form at the bottom of the glass… on both sides of the table. If you leave it there long enough, a pool will spread. Also, this process works even if you use a coaster – the cork will soak through.

Tomorrow, we expect to go out and visit some ruins. More on that later!

Comment by Grey Kitten 12.19.06 @ 12:41 am

We’re back from the Mayan ruins, and it was quite an adventure.

Ruins, in and of themselves, are rather dull. They just kinda sit there, ruining. Throngs of tourists who ignore the ropes that suggest which areas are off limits help them to ruin.

On one hand, they’re somewhat fascinating, to imagine the cultures who once lived here, making use of these structures. On the other hand, they’re piles of rocks, arranged rather artlessly in some cases.

It was hot, and I’m always in a bad mood after walking through a Mexican tourist trap, where any desire I might have had to practice Spanish is replaced by a deep desire to avoid all other human contact forever. I understand they are doing whatever they can to make a living, but the methods they employ get under my skin instanteously and leave me irritable.

What made it an adventure, was the spontaneous eruption of water from the sky. droplets the size of half-dollars came flying in sideways off the ocean. We were drenched within seconds. I had paperbacks in my pants pockets, and they will forever be mishapen by their soaking. Something about the rain made the place come alive, and not just because more people than ever were crossing the rope barriers to seek shelter under the trees.

We might be headed out to a supermarket next. Not quite sure what the plan is.

Comment by Grey Kitten 12.19.06 @ 6:01 pm