sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 21, 2015

pre-thanksgiving weekend to-do
posted by soe 3:05 am

Things I’m hoping to do this weekend:

  1. Attend my friend John’s 50th birthday party.
  2. Go to the library.
  3. Collect some leaves for the compost bin at the community garden.
  4. Build a website for an Advent Blog Tour. Also, promote said venture. (Would you like to take part? Leave me a comment.)
  5. Do a deep clean of the kitchen and the bathroom.
  6. Send out the invitations to our holiday party.
  7. Wash my handknit socks (and do some other laundry).
  8. Sort my clothes and shoes to gather a pile for Goodwill.
  9. Bake some bread. (I have a breadmaker; it just requires my pulling it out.)
  10. Buy tickets for two holiday-related events.
  11. Read.
  12. Knit.
  13. Sleep.

How about you? What are you planning for the weekend?

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 2 Comments.


We have to go grocery shopping this morning, and put away some of the outdoor patio stuff. I should also try to plant the dogwood, but it may be too late for that.

But! We’re seeing a performance of “The Importance of Being Earnest” today so that’s exciting!

Comment by Jenn 11.21.15 @ 7:46 am

@Jenn: Ooh! How was it?

Comment by soe 11.23.15 @ 3:35 am