sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 13, 2015

mid-august yarn along
posted by soe 2:11 am

Mid-August Yarn Along

I have a few finished knits from last month to show you, but that will be later this week. In the meantime, August is the annual Sockdown in Ravelry’s Sock Knitters Anonymous group, wherein we all work on clearing off our needles by finishing lingering sock projects. I have two I’d like to finish, with two more as a stretch goal. This is the second of Rudi’s pair of 2×2 ribbed mummy socks. I’ve got about an inch more of leg before I start the heel flap.

On the reading front, a weekend away meant that my audiobook, Amy Poehler’s Yes, Please, expired before I was able to finish the last few chapters. As the weekend was otherwise delightful, I have no regrets and have re-requested it from the library. I hope it’ll be back before the end of the month, since I’d like to count it in my library summer reading totals.

I took Dietland up to Connecticut with me, but didn’t get much read. I did spend a lovely hour or two in the park this evening reading it, though. And I picked up Circus Mirandus at the library today after a dentist appointment when I didn’t have a book to read on the train trip back across town. I am optimistic about both of them, although in decidedly different ways.

Yarning along about books and crafting with Ginny.

Category: books,knitting. There is/are 1 Comment.

Love the colours of your sock.

Comment by Lucy Bowen 08.13.15 @ 9:43 am