sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 24, 2014

pink, locals, and towel-free
posted by soe 1:59 am

Three beautiful things from our past week:

1. We eat four of the apples we brought back from Vermont tonight, and one of them, Hidden Rose, has pink flesh. The others are the small Lamb Abbey, the oddly shaped Calville Blanc d’Hiver, and the red Mollie(‘)s Delicious. My favorite is the Calville, which is sweetly tart and crisp.

Vermont Apples

2. We arrive at the ocean two days after the remnants of a tropical storm have passed through. Surfers are plentiful, but it’s with a start, after overhearing a comment, that I realize what I originally thought was a class of wetsuit-clad boarders is actually a pod of 50 or so seals body-surfing in the breakers.

3. A daddy long-legs has gotten wet and can’t escape the campground bathroom sink. I offer it a literal helping hand and it climbs out and up onto the tap, where it proceeds to shake its legs off and lick (or something that looks similar) them dry.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

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