sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 21, 2014

snow day, weekend of friends, and daffodils
posted by soe 2:10 am

Three beautiful things from the past week:

1. The last snowstorm of the winter arrives earlier and steadier than expected and lasts longer than expected, giving us one more snow day for the year after dropping eight inches on the neighborhood. (I love how you can tell that the government is shut down by the lack of morning traffic sounds.) I sleep in, shovel, drop Rudi off at a doctor’s appointment, shop while he’s there, and spend the rest of the night frantically knitting on my socks for the first round of Sock Madness.

2. Sam and Alexis are down visiting other Conn friends and have some free time, so we head to Annapolis on Saturday for lunch on the wharf and ice cream in the sun and lounging in the grass at the State House and veggie sushi with Grover.

Rudi, Sam, & Alexis @ MD State House

And then on Sunday, Susan and Phillip invite us over for dinner with them and the kids. Holden has been learning about pizza in school and is a pro at making them while wearing his personalized apron. Caroline narrates the various ingredients being added.

3. Every year at this time, Trader Joe’s sells daffodils for very little, and I get to have a shock of yellow atop my fridge:


How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 2 Comments.

The daffodils are very pretty. They almost make me believe in spring.

Comment by Karen 03.25.14 @ 7:55 am

Sigh, I need to buy some daffodils to brighten the inside of my home. My house is back to clean and quiet and that is a beautiful state 🙂

Comment by karen 03.25.14 @ 2:09 pm