sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 14, 2014

cuppa, let there be light, and later
posted by soe 1:46 am

Three beautiful things from the week past:

1. New pj pants. They’re spring green with a tea cup print.

2. A new lamp for next to Rudi’s chair (where I’m currently stationed while Rudi is recuperating on the couch). It makes the living room so much brighter.

3. Daylight savings time means it is lighter later. Several times I leave work this week before the sun sets, and several times this week there have been gorgeous sunsets.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 3 Comments.

I noticed this morning that it’s already brighter in the mornings – on Monday, I left for work in the pitch black and it stayed that way until I was almost at work. Today, it was getting a bit lighter when I was halfway here! YAY!

Also, I saw a red-shouldered hawk sitting on the closest tree behind the parking lot. He hung out for a good 15 mins, and he was gorgeous!

Comment by Jenn 03.14.14 @ 6:32 am

I had to sneakily open the door to my son’s room last night, and peeked inside. All I could really see was his fine golden hair catching the moonlight and for that one moment my heart was broken and whole all at once. This is why people have kids, because for all the hard you do get those moments of bliss.

Comment by Mikaiya 03.14.14 @ 9:32 pm

I spied a robin yesterday morning, I’ve been walking and enjoying the fresh air and I haven’t worn winter books in nearly a week!!

Comment by karen 03.19.14 @ 7:42 am