sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

December 27, 2013

that’s a wrap, loved ones, and boxing day
posted by soe 2:19 am

Merry Christmas! I hope that those of you who celebrate had a joyous celebration and that those of you who don’t had a joyous day. I think we can all agree a little more joy in the world can’t be a bad thing.

In keeping with that, here is my list of three beautiful things from my past week:

1. Rudi assists me in wrapping the family presents, so I am done far earlier than usual and don’t have to finish after we’ve all headed to bed.

2. It is nice to spend the day seeing and hearing from family, whether those we are joined with by blood, by circumstance, or by choice.

3. No matter how enjoyable Christmas is, the lead-in has been a bit stressful and sleep-deprived for all of us (at least in this house). We mark the day after the holiday by sleeping late, reading, taking naps in front of the fire, eating cookies, and generally resting.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

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