sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 17, 2013

moonlight, fireside, and gramma cookies
posted by soe 9:37 pm

We’re on vacation, so you get three beautiful things from New England!

The View from the Top of Mt. Monadnock
The view from the top of Mt. Monadnock

1. We have been fortunate to camp at a time where the moon was waxing over clear skies. It’s so bright at midnight that although I take a lantern to the bath house to wash up, it’s only so anyone coming up the road sees me. And today, when we misjudged the length of time we had for our hike up to the peak of Mount Monadnock, the rising full moon escorted us the rest of the way down the trail to the road.

2. My folks built us fires to enjoy last weekend in their living room and Rudi and I have kept the tradition going at our campsite the last couple nights. Rudi gets them started and I, having learned well from my mother, burn them down to embers hours later with a well-appointed poking stick that we found by the fire pit. (And, of course, there have been nightly s’mores and toasted marshmallows.)

3. I bake a batch of Gramma cookies for Dad for his birthday and he lets everyone indulge in a couple while they’re warm from the oven.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 2 Comments.

So how many states could you see from the top of the mountain? 🙂

Comment by Karen 10.20.13 @ 4:31 pm

@Karen: Just three — New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts (but not Boston).

Comment by soe 11.15.13 @ 3:50 am