sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 28, 2013

furballs, delayed, and milkshakes
posted by soe 11:51 pm

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. Returning home after a fortnight away has meant especially affectionate cats. Posey has been a little guarded in her joy; after all, her boy has not yet come back. But Corey and Jeremiah feel that if I’m sitting or lying down, I should be weighted by at least one purring, drooling cat body, if not two, in case I get the idea to depart again.

2. At this time of year, a few warm days can make all the difference in the world to the flowering trees. I was pleased to notice that while the magnolias are just starting to flower, the cooler-than-usual weather has kept the cherries in check, which means that Rudi will not miss their peak blooming season.

3. Sarah and I go out to dinner as an excuse to drink Samoa-flavored milkshakes, a March special at a local fast food joint. They are not perfect replicas of my favorite Girl Scout cookie, but they are mighty delicious.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

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