sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 24, 2012

invigorating, cool, and i live here
posted by soe 12:14 am

It’s late (well, not by my standards, but likely by yours) and I’m knackered. A quick post, and then to bed!

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. A sudden Sunday-morning downpour proves electrifying to the senses.

2. The temperature has taken a turn for the comfortable, making it cool enough that Rudi turns off the a/c and opens the window. It stays that way for days.

3. The ballgame ends in the wee smalls, which places Rudi and me on the Mall at 1 a.m., biking home. We see a night heron by the Washington Monument, ducks in Constitution Garden, and water in the reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial (they’ve just refilled it after a long construction project). And that’s without gaping at the Capitol, the Jefferson Memorial, the Wall, and the World War II Memorial. There are a few other people out at that hour, but mostly we are by ourselves, enjoying the scenery.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 2 Comments.

We had close to a week of open-window weather. I love late summer!

Comment by Karen 08.24.12 @ 8:47 am

@Karen: So nice after the heat of June and July!

Comment by soe 08.28.12 @ 5:05 am