sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 5, 2006

cash, days off, and happy endings
posted by soe 5:25 pm

It doesn’t feel like Thursday, but my calendar says it is. This week’s Three Beautiful Things:

1. I stopped at the store and bought something small today so I would have cash to go to lunch with some coworkers. Because I had cash, I was able to pay my portion and head back to the office instead of having to wait to sign a credit card slip and getting stuck in the elevator for an hour with seven other colleagues.

2. I had from 3 p.m. on Friday until 8:30 Tuesday morning off from work. Days stretched out in front of me luxuriously. I slept in. I didn’t put on a bra. I drank huge amounts of tea and ate lots of chocolate. I made waffles. Rudi and I saw lots of movies and lots of Britcoms. I could get used to the three-day weekend after the three-day workweek.

3. Rudi gave me The Princess Bride for Christmas and we watched it last night. From beginning to end, I enjoyed the whole movie — once again. It’s one of the few I can pretty much recite from start to finish (because it was a popular sound byte source for computer activity my sophomore year in college).

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