sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 12, 2011

mid-may garden update
posted by soe 1:10 am

What’s growing in this mid-Atlantic community garden plot in mid-May?

Perennial Herbs

Our herbs are doing well. Rosemary and sage and lemon thyme survived the winter, to which this week we added regular thyme we picked up on our way out of the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival.


I must remember to cut the sage back after the flowers pass.

Peas and Strawberries

Several vines of peas survived my lackadaisical treatment. I hope they are happier now they have somewhere to climb.


Spring Greens

Spring greens are flourishing. Rudi chopped all the flowers off the arugula after they got leggy. (He tasted them first to see if they were salvageable.) And we’re picking the larger lettuce leaves in the hopes of making our two bigger heads last a bit while the next crop takes hold.

Rainbow Chard

We spotted a row of tiny colorful chard sprouts growing from seeds we planted last month, but we supplemented with seedlings from the market this week.

Pepper's Been Watered

We planted peppers and tomatoes a couple weeks back and they seem to be doing fine.

Berries, Unripened


And in a couple of weeks, our garden should offer us sweet incentive to stop by often.

Berries To Be

Not too shabby for mid-May, I’d say…

Garden in Mid-May

Category: garden. There is/are 3 Comments.

Your garden looks excellent! I have to wait just a bit longer before I can set out tender annuals. Can’t wait!

Comment by Julie 05.12.11 @ 6:42 am

Lovely!! I’m so jealous that your growing season is sooooo much longer than ours! 🙂 I still have at least a couple weeks before even thinking about planting! Um, not that I actually will be planting, what w/ the move. Unless the current owners will let me come over and garden before they move out..hmmm..!

Comment by Jenn 05.12.11 @ 6:59 am

@Jenn: My parents aren’t too much further south than you and they planted early last month. At the very least get yourself some containers and do a bit of container gardening — lettuce or flowers or something — that can be moved easily.

@Julie: Thanks! Mostly it’s luck, as we seem to garden by whim.

Comment by soe 05.12.11 @ 3:53 pm