sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 24, 2011

sock madness kindness, two lips, & a study in color
posted by soe 10:56 pm

I was surprised that today was going to be Thursday, but now that it’s arrived, I find Thursday has lasted about four days. So it’s definitely time to consider three beautiful things from the week past:

1. I missed the deadline of contest sock completion by an hour Friday night. Rudi returned home to find me not done, but instead grimly knitting a toe on the floor in front of my computer, madly muttering about needing it done for my own peace of mind. The next morning, the moderators emailed me and two other knitters who’d also finished just outside the time to say that they’d decided to move us through to the next round anyway.

2. The warm weather has caused two varieties of tulips along my walk to the Metro to bloom. One has wide-open petals, its mouth eagerly anticipating the kiss of the sun. The other resembles a six-year-old told to kiss a distant aunt, lips puckered, but unexcited about the prospect.

3. When I get on the Metro to come home, a teenage girl sits curled up on the seat next to the door. Her slate blue sweater matches her tights, and she is writing with a pink pen (with black ink) in a notebook perched in her lap. A yellow balloon hovers above her, anchored to her wrist with a green ribbon.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 2 Comments.

love the thought of that yellow balloon!

Comment by amanda {the habit of being} 03.26.11 @ 7:25 pm

@amanda: D.C. is such a staid city, it was awesome to be confronted with such a cheerful assertion of color.

Interestingly, it really made me want to spend some money buying helium filled balloons to take out and about with me.

Comment by soe 03.29.11 @ 1:33 am