sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 17, 2011

friends with babies, irish tune, and dst
posted by soe 5:53 pm

Today is my sixth blogiversary, St. Patrick’s Day, and a gorgeously warm and sunny day all rolled into one. Let’s celebrate by looking back at three beautiful things from the past week:

1. Karen sends me a photo of her and Livia out for a walk, which makes them feel less far away. Susan brings Holden downtown so we can hang out and have lunch, which brings a sunny spot to the middle of my workday.

2. A bagpiper plays music in the park near my office. The lilting tune wafts through my open window on the spring breeze.

3. Daylight savings time means it’s still light out when I leave the office. It’s a welcome change.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 3 Comments.

Happy Blogiversary!!

Comment by Jenn 03.18.11 @ 7:19 am

Happy Blogiversary! It was a good week, in that Rainy had good results from her vet exams. The longer daylight is so wonderful, as are the daffodils just beginning to poke up through the soil!

Comment by Debby 03.18.11 @ 7:49 pm

@Jenn: Thanks!

@Debby: I was happy to hear the vet thought Rainy would be fine. And daffodils always make me happy too!

Comment by soe 03.21.11 @ 2:05 am