sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 20, 2005

shadows, a full cookie jar, and giving it away
posted by soe 12:09 pm

How did it get to be Thursday again already? Are we skipping several days — and if we are, are they during the weekend? Nonetheless, it’s never too soon to discuss the beautiful things in our lives. Three from the last week:

1. Yesterday, when Sarah and I were walking back to the office from lunch, I noticed a flock of pigeons flying in large arcs over the street. Because it was so sunny, their shadows appeared against the buildings, making it seem like the flock was twice as large as it was.

2. On Sunday, I wanted chocolate and instead of just eating the chips out of the bag, I decided to make cookies. For the past week, Mrs. Potts has been full and available for snacks and cravings and sharing with Rudi when he’s on the phone with his mom.

3. Rudi and I went through our clothes this weekend and took three big bags full to Goodwill. I hope the clothes find owners who like them and that we have continued luck paring down our lives.

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