Hey, it’s Thursday again! How’d that happen? I suppose I’ve been busy with construction projects and celebrating the downfall of Prop 8 and the confirmation of Elena Kagan… Anyway, here are three beautiful things from my past week:
1. I work late and then catch the bus home. I get off two stops early so I can walk through Dupont Circle, which is replete with summer night life. A guitarist perches on a stool. Kids play with hula hoops. People are walking and talking and just generally enjoying all that a muggy August night can be.
2. The bed frame takes two late nights of sweating, bickering, and fidgeting with tools and geometry to come together. But the first night’s sleep on it suggests it will be a vast improvement over both our old futon and the mattress plunked on top of the futon, which has been our MO for the last two weeks.
3. Much like last Thursday, a wave of thunderstorms roll through this afternoon and evening. Thunder and lightning are followed by torrents of rain and blustery winds to rival a summer nor’easter back home. But the front shift brings in temperatures that are easily twenty degrees cooler, making the entire city sigh in relief.
How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world?
Perry vs Schwarzenegger ruled Prop 8 unconstitutional.
Comment by Grey Kitten 08.06.10 @ 12:16 amAh, cooler weather. I am exceedingly cranky in the heat. And though it doesn’t get as hot as down there, the humidity has been terrible and we have no AC. I walk from fan to fan. I slept for one month on a futon and said never again. It made my back ache.
Comment by Nan 08.06.10 @ 10:08 am