sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 20, 2010

question for the bookish sorts
posted by soe 2:50 am

Dystopian fiction: Fantasy? Science Fiction? Neither?

Category: books. There is/are 5 Comments.

Usually neither. Some of Ben Bova’s space travel/colonization sci fi kinda goes a bit into the dystopian realm, and I like his stuff, but there’s so much awful sci fi and fantasy out there that I don’t read it anymore w/out a rec from a friend, and I guess they just don’t like dystopian stuff 🙂

Comment by Jenn 06.20.10 @ 7:48 am

I think of it as its own genre. I label it as dystopian on my librarything.

fantasy – elves or unicorns or vampires or magical

science fiction – is closer to dystopian but less about how the world is run, or no disaster occuring to change the planet.

Comment by raidergirl3 06.20.10 @ 9:36 am

Sometimes. I think some of it is sci-fi or fantasy, and some is also young adult, and/or futuristic (which can overlap all of the above) so, in the end, thank god for multiple tagging.

Comment by RandomRanter 06.21.10 @ 1:46 pm

Could be found in either, but I think more common theme for science fiction.

Comment by Grey Kitten 06.23.10 @ 3:01 am

All, it’s good to see that even in this little community we’re undecided. The book in question, FWIW, was The City of Ember, and I decided not to count it toward my fantasy reading challenge.

Comment by soe 07.07.10 @ 1:03 am