sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 11, 2005

good knitting news
posted by soe 1:27 am

Today brings some good knitting news:

Two weeks ago I realized I’d screwed up the pattern on the project I’m knitting. Then later in the week, I thought I could salvage it from another end. Last weekend, it occurred to me that I might not be able to salvage it after all, but wouldn’t know until I checked with someone more knowledgable. Of course I didn’t realize this on a day my local yarn shop was open. So I moved that part of the project over to a spare needle (many thanks to Gramma and her random spare needles I could never figure out why I’d need) and started the part of the project I’d intended to be working on before.

The trip to the local yarn shop today was profitable in several ways. The girl working there (who also helped me last fall when I was trying to adapt a hat pattern and who taught me how to use double pointed needles) was able to tell me that my project would be fine and that I didn’t need to rip out all the rows I’d been working on. Thank goodness!

She also told me she had no idea what an overcast stitch was either and provided me with an alternative stitch to put the project together with when I eventually finish knitting it.

And she had in stock the knitting needle stopper that I wanted to buy so I wouldn’t lose parts of the project while traveling.

Never has $2.50 been so well spent!

Hooray for local yarn shops! And helpful salespeople!

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