sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 5, 2005

happy birthday, part 1
posted by soe 11:23 am

I met Erik when we were both college — he as a freshman, me as a sophomore. We quickly became friends, united through procrastination, late night bedtimes, a cynical wit, and a love of music and politics and remain friends 11+ years later for many of those same reasons. We don’t see each other much any more, but he is one of the best people I know about sending cards for the important dates and for clipping newspaper articles that he thinks I’ll like. I forget to tell him as often as I should how much I smile whenever his name turns up in my email.

Erik turns 30 today. If I knew how to concoct a vegan birthday cake, I’d send you one, sweetie. But since I don’t, my best wishes may have to suffice.

Happy Birthday.

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