sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 22, 2010

we’re all mad here
posted by soe 12:44 am

This post will have to be brief as I need to head to bed. Sock Madness is taking it all out of me and I find myself picking up stitches, knitting madly away and grafting even in my sleep. (Okay, that part’s not quite true. But it does feel a bit like that. The good news is that I have a heel and most of a cuff on sock one, but I still need to bind that off (using a new-to-me technique) and give it a toe. Sock #2’s body is done, but it’s lacking toe, heel, and cuff still. It will be down to the wire as we discover whether I can get this all done and posted properly (with photo) by the time the buzzer goes off at midnight Tuesday. The plane flight out to Utah Tuesday evening will give me plenty of time to knit, but any delays could sink my chances of getting the online component done. Here’s hoping (and knitting)…

Sarah and I had fun at the Homespun Yarn Party this afternoon and each came away with a few skeins of woolly goodness. I also came home with a used cookbook and a game that I played with Grey Kitten when I visited him last month. Rudi and I capped off the last of the nice weather by hanging out at Starbucks on their patio until we could barely see the text and stitches in front of our eyes.

The rain may move in tomorrow, but I definitely feel like I did my part in spending time outside this first spring weekend of 2010. I’m looking forward to many more!

Category: knitting. There is/are 2 Comments.

Which game did you come home with? We played a bunch in rapid succession.

Comment by Grey Kitten 03.23.10 @ 5:26 pm

@GK: Cosmic Cows. I couldn’t remember the name, of course, so just walked up to the guy at the counter and said, “Cows. Tractor beams.” I figured that would be enough. And it was.

Comment by soe 03.24.10 @ 6:56 pm