sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 5, 2005

posted by soe 8:17 am

There’s something vaguely comforting about the Mets dropping their season opener to the Reds — in the bottom of the ninth.

Some people (read, Yankees fans) seem to be under the impression that winning connotes a quality baseball team. But they aren’t right, which is why the rest of us think less of them. They like to believe it’s because we’re jealous of their team’s success. But the truth is we actually like being left on the edge of our seats night after night — will we win the game after all or will we blow it in some spectacularly horrific way? That’s real baseball. The Yankees play scripted, sanitized baseball, custom-made for television.

Sox fans (and most Yankee fans, too — they only seem to suffer this illness as it relates to their own team) will tell you that the Sox-Yankees games of last year’s postseason were much more interesting than the World Series. And they’d be right. Because those games were lacking drama, were lacking the nail-biting angst of “will they or won’t they?”

My Mets may prevail this year or they may not — but they will never be boring or predictable — and I will love ever minute on the edge of my seat.

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