sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

February 10, 2010

ummm….. what?!
posted by soe 10:50 am

Apparently there can reach a point during a storm where it is unsafe for snow plow drivers to be out.

Yeah, in all my years of living through New England winters I’d never heard of that either, but apparently the D.C. region reached that point with Sno(w)verkill about two hours ago.

It does make things quiet…

ETA (11:45 a.m.): While the Post did not care to email me with an update, DCist is on the case with a clarification. Snow plow drivers were asked to pull over during white-out portions of the storm (not through the whole storm itself). This seems both reasonable and prudent, and I withdraw my previous objections.

Category: dc life. There is/are 1 Comment.

Baltimore has forbidden traffic.

seriously, if i dont see snow for three more years, i’ll be totally fine with that

Comment by laura 02.10.10 @ 11:31 am