sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 4, 2005

10-step program
posted by soe 4:33 pm

There are ten steps from the sidewalk down to the Burrow. The top seven or so are uncovered; the bottom three are nestled under the overhang of the steps heading into the upstairs portion of our building. Our door is immediately to the left at the bottom.

Today’s post was supposed to be one with photos and cute taglines talking all about the new sofa we bought Tuesday.

Unfortunately, our 10-step program is not serving us well.

The overhang jutted out just enough that the moving guys couldn’t get the sofa upright at the bottom of the steps in order to pivot it into the door.

So I’m afraid my joyful post will have to wait while Rudi and I consider our options. We’ll let you know how it goes.

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