sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 5, 2009

where to next?
posted by soe 2:29 am

It’s been a year since Rudi and I packed our bags and headed to France.

Various Formules

It was an amazing trip.

Rescuing the Boat

This year’s travels have been more prosaic and more domestic, with trips to New England, Chicago (for work), Portland, and Salt Lake as our destinations.

Tour d'Eiffel

I’m starting to feel that wanderlust kicking in…


Our annual meeting is in San Diego this coming year, so it’s likely I’ll be sent there for a few days, which I hope to combine with some time spent seeing the California friends. I also believe we’ll have to head back to Salt Lake so Rudi’s mom can have some assistance as she recovers from surgery next year, but I’m hoping that’s not the extent of our travels.

Fountain Face

So, I thought I’d ask: If you could travel anywhere in 2010 or if you could recommend one spot to go on vacation, where would you select and why?


No place is too random or far-fetched to suggest. I’m really interested to hear where you think would be a fantastic destination. Do you have a dream trip?

Category: travel. There is/are 4 Comments.

Iceland! I really want to go to Iceland myself, so that’s my rec 🙂

Comment by Jenn 11.05.09 @ 7:45 am

@Jenn: Oooh! Iceland. Now that’s an interesting idea…

Comment by soe 11.06.09 @ 4:51 pm

Hm, good question. I’ve got my personal favorites, and places I would like to go, so here is a short list. (Yes, this is the SHORT version.)

Somewhere I’ve always wanted to go: India. I’ve always really wanted to spend some time in India, very much in that dirty-hippie-go-to-India-and-find-yourself sort of a way. It’s a good vegetarian destination!

Somewhere adventurous: Ethiopia. The rock churches, the unique culture, why not?

Somewhere a little more “normal”: Turkey. History (Greeks? Check. Romans? Check. Turks? Check.), tasty food, beautiful nature, what’s not to love?

Somewhere they speak English: Ireland. I’ve never been to Ireland, and it looks lovely.

It’s winter, and I want to go somewhere warm, preferably with a beach: Thailand. I’ve actually been there once, and I loved it. Hiking, diving and SO MUCH THAI FOOD!

There’s a recession on, can’t we stay in the US: San Francisco -> Seattle via the Pacific Coast Highway. Camping is cheaper than hotels, and those views are priceless. Added bonus: at least 3 really cool cities (you’ve already done Portland, but it’s still a cool town.)

An old favorite: GEORGIA! (Republic of). I actually wrote a whole midterm exam on why you should go to Georgia. Tbilisi = awesome. The Caucasus = jaw-dropping. The churches = old and really cool. The skiing = astoundingly extant. The beaches = not so much in the winter, but the drive into Batumi is one of the most beautiful scenes I’ve even seen. The people are enthusiastically hospitable, and the food is pretty darn yummy.

Finally, because I’m selfish: Boston! The weather sucks, you’ve seen all the old stuff, but I’m here, and I miss YOU!

Comment by Elspeth 11.07.09 @ 10:04 pm

@Elspeth: I LOVE this list! So much potential! And I’d love to come up to Boston to visit. You’ll have to let me know when a convenient time would be…

I miss you too!

Comment by soe 11.12.09 @ 11:46 am