In Ravelry, I belong to a group that has monthly contests around themed sock knitting. I have not yet cast-on for April socks, but would like to tonight. One of the qualifying categories for this month was knee-highs, and it just so happens that Grey Kitten gave me a subscription to a knitting magazine for Christmas that contains an ideal pattern: Bettie’s Stockings.
I think all four of the following yarns would work with the pattern. Any thoughts on which one you’d pick?
Crash into Ewe Jewel Collection in Marasite (yes, it has silver bits in it)
Neighborhood Fiber Studio Sock in Dupont Circle
Scout’s Swag Superwash BFL in Kizkalesi
I’m partial to the third one (Kizkalesi).
Comment by Shani 04.30.09 @ 12:42 pmI also like the third the best!
But oh my GOD! I LOVE that pattern! Those are the coolest socks (stockings? sockings??!) EVER!!!!!!!!
Comment by Jenn 04.30.09 @ 2:08 pmAs much as I also love the third color, I like the first one for Bettie’s Stockings. It seems to lend itself to that particular pattern and also to your skirts (that I know of).
Comment by Mum 04.30.09 @ 5:04 pmI have to start by saying that all four of the colors are delightful. 2 and 4 – as much as I adore bright colors, I think might be too much with the lacey pattern.
If you want to go over-the-top and really stand out, then choose #3.
If you want an effect similar to the picture you linked to, use the gray. The intricacies of the pattern more than make up for the subdued color.
They gray lace will be more versatile and go with more things than the bright colors.
Comment by Grey Kitten 05.04.09 @ 1:55 am