sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 31, 2025

remembering, introductions, and bricks
posted by soe 1:35 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. My mother’s older brother died last weekend after a fall, a week short of his 78th birthday. When I was born, he drew up a complete astrological chart for me. He aspired to be a good uncle, giving me all sorts of fun gifts when I was a kid, including my first dictionary, my only football swag (a balaclava for the Miami Dolphins, the team he supported when he lived in Florida) a microscope, and a magic kit. He had a black dog named Telly, whom we all loved only slightly less than our own dog, Obe. He took my grandmother and me to New York City to see the ballet at Lincoln Center and my brother and me for ice cream when we spent the night with him and my aunt when I was in middle school.

Uncle David was having a challenging battle with Alzheimer’s, so ultimately this may have been the kindest death we could have hoped for, with my aunt and my cousins and my mom all getting to say goodbye.

2. After having to postpone multiple times because one or all three of us were sick, Sarah finally got to come over to meet the kittens. They took to her right away and were happy to be picked up and cuddled, which isn’t always the case, so it felt like the delay gave us the perfect moment in time.

3. Rudi and I went to see The Art of the Brick, a Lego exhibition by Nathan Sawaya. The pieces ranged from scale replicas of wild animals, sculptures, and interpretations of great art from around the world, including one of the heads from Easter Island, which required more than 75,000 Legos to complete.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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