sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 30, 2024

at last, rain at the surface level, and why we do it
posted by soe 1:56 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. Susan and I have been trying to schedule lunch for weeks, but illness, appointments, and vacations have hindered our plans. But finally this week, we managed to get together for a couple hours.

2. I am swimming when the weather changes. At first, the breeze ripples the surface, creating a textured surface for my breaststroke to cross. Then, a single drop hits that makes me wonder if it was a bug divebombing the water, before others start to join it. Finally, a soft summer rain picks up its pace, kerplinking a reverberating staccato tempo across the deep end of the pool.

3. Because of rainouts, the final afternoon of summer volleyball camp coincides with the first day of D.C.’s academic year, meaning only a trio of kids show up after school, but they are filled with enthusiasm. The first-grader who arrives early sprints onto the field, realizes we’re still on the sideline, and about-faces. He comes charging toward us, I assume ready for a high-five. And instead, he wraps his arms around my waist. Oh!

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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