sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 9, 2024

negative, a crowd, and missing the worst of it
posted by soe 1:40 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. After giving me a ride home the night before, my friend tests positive for COVID. Thus far, I’ve tested negative and feel fine.

2. We have twelve kids for our second week of volleyball coaching. This is the biggest group in a long while.

3. It starts raining just as a volleyball pal and I finish our post-game dinner on the patio, so while he heads inside to wait for his bus back to Maryland, I walk the mile or so home in the weather. I’m already damp from playing for hours in the heat and humidity, and the drizzle feels refreshing. It lets up about halfway home and then, just as I step under cover at home, the skies open up with the intensity only an August storm can offer. I watch for a minute, then head inside to dry off and take a nap.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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Last week we were able to camp at Mount Rainier for the first time in five years. I managed to snag a spot when they released the last group of sites the week before last.

This week, after literally checking every day (and usually multiple times a day) for 219 days in a row, they finally opened the 2025 reservations for Glacier, and I was able to book a cabin for a trip next year! They usually open reservations in January, and I had almost given up on the idea of going next year. Now I can instead say it’s less than a year until we get to go back!

It was a good couple of weeks for this National Park loving girl. 🙂

Comment by Rebs 08.10.24 @ 1:20 am

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