posted by soe 1:59 am
This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Reader Girl is Authors I’d Love a New Book From. Here are ten of mine:
- Rainbow Rowell (This is cheating, because her next novel is due out in July, but still…)
- Maia Chance (It looks like she has a thriller coming out this summer, but I was really hoping for one of her mysteries.)
- Deanna Raybourn (I downed the latest Veronica Speedwell a few weeks ago and would be delighted with another in that series or another standalone.)
- Sonali Dev (I haven’t read her latest, but know I’ll devour it quickly and then I’ll want more!)
- Erin Morgenstern (I have, but haven’t read, The Starless Sea, but even that came out five years ago.)
- Grace Lin (Her middle grade novels are exquisite.)
- Carsten Henn (It looks like he has other books, but they don’t seem to have been translated.)
- Michael Scott (I want him to write something new and then come to the U.S. to promote it, because he was such a great author to hear live.)
- Chad Harbach (How has he never published another novel?!)
- Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (A third series from them would be just great from my perspective!)
How about you? Are there authors you’d like to have send you a new manuscript right now?
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