sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 26, 2024

pep talk, making the ask, and walking
posted by soe 1:34 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. I started to get anxious about playing in a competitive league for the first time in ages. What if I suck? Will this group of pickup pals regret having invited me to join them? But I reminded myself that they did ask me, even knowing my weaknesses (because you can’t play with someone multiple times a week and not know their flaws on the court), and that my strengths include that I will show up consistently and play my hardest every time, and those are big plusses. We lost our first match and I made a few bad plays. But I also made some good ones, just like everyone else.

2. I decided, bravely and rather spur of the moment, to invite an acquaintance out for supper the other night. She accepted, and we had a nice time and are planning to do it again.

3. I walked back under sunny skies from the Cathedral last weekend, my longest stroll of the winter. It felt good to stretch my legs, even if I would have liked some of the sidewalks to have been better tended to after the snow from the day before. And it was fun to start an audiobook in a series I enjoy while I was on the move.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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