sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

July 21, 2023

gifts of food, fort reno, and noisy weather
posted by soe 12:26 pm

Whoops! Yesterday, I had a piece of writing I had to finish for this morning, which made me forget the piece of writing I do every Thursday night!

Here, however, are three beautiful things from my past week:

1. Being able to share food makes me happy, so I was delighted when Julie, my friend Chris’ wife, said she’d be happy to take some of the Swiss chard from my garden. I dropped a bunch off Sunday and the following night was delighted to receive a photo of the dish she made and a message saying how delicious it was. Then, yesterday, I finally got around to making some shortbread and foisted some of it on my friend Neal, who is in the final throes of work deadlines before vacation.

2. The homespun series of free concerts at Fort Reno has become one of my most anticipated rituals of summer, and last night the stars finally aligned for me to head up and enjoy a laid-back and meteorologically temperate night of punk rock.

3. We’ve had a bunch of thunderstorms this past week, sometimes in the more traditional evening hours and sometimes overnight. The ones that happen when I’m in bed are my favorites, because they make for such good sleeping. (I also like sleeping during rock concerts, so clearly I have a penchant for noisy settings.)

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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