Eighteen months ago, I started a list of 50 things I wanted to try or do by the time I turned 50, three years off at that time.
I haven’t looked at the list in more than a year, when I’d gotten it up to 30 items which ranged from the monumental — clear our Rudi’s mom’s house — to the more mundane — grow something new in the garden each year. So tonight I opened up the document, checked off the things I could say I’d done definitively, noted ones that were in progress, added another dozen items to the list, and identified 12 I’d work on in the next six months.
I won’t share all of them here, but here’s half the list:
- Have a job where I don’t hate Mondays
- Write two of my favorite teachers from growing up
- Hang our art
- Read a novel by a Russian
- Win a volleyball league championship
- Get caught up on or rip out all my partially started knitting projects
Do you make plans or resolutions for your birthdays, particularly round ones?
I don’t think I’ve ever read any Russian novels either. Weird. Got any particular one(s) in mind?
Comment by Karen 08.14.22 @ 6:09 pm