Sorry that this post is a little tardy. I got my COVID booster the other day and the side effects took over last night.
But while I was downtown getting said shot, I had a chance to look at the Macy’s windows, an annual tradition of mine. This year, their windows focused on Tiptoe, the blue reindeer:
[I accidentally cut off the top of the final chapter. It should read:
[…] Last week, I shared the Macy’s windows with you. This week, it’s Rudi’s turn, but with a twist. His are the Macy’s windows in downtown Salt Lake, where their Macy’s used to be a ZCMI. And while Rudi alludes to it a smidge in his introduction, it’s worth noting that ZCMI historically (and that Macy’s today) had the confectioners in their candy department build the windows. I mean those displays were impressive when you thought they were made with plastic & fluff…. […]
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